A Custom Pokémon TCG Format


How a Single Card from 2000 is Shaping Our Format Today

Category: ArticlesDecks

Alternate Inclusions

  • Chip-Chip Ice Axe (UNB)
    • This card allows you to control your opponent’s top deck
    • The biggest issue with this card is being able to recycle its uses without Trump Card because you are typically investing your Trainer recovery into cards like Professor Oak and Lysandre’s Trump Card.
  • Oranguru (UPR)
    • This card allows you to put 3 cards from your discard pile on the bottom of your deck.
    • While this card is very good, its impact is lessened by the fact that you typically have a larger deck size than is needed to best make use of this card.
  • Marshadow (SLG)
    • This card has the Ability: Let Loose which forces both players to shuffle their hands into their decks and draw 4 cards.
    • This Pokémon’s effect is already in the deck through the Giratina, however this is an additional card that can be played. Its largest issue is that it is an Ability whereas Giratina has a Poké-Power.
  • Tapu Lele GX (GRI)
    • This card allows you to search your deck for a Supporter card when it is played from your hand.
    • Being able to search for a Supporter card is very powerful, especially early in the game. The 2 main issues for this card are bench space and the search being on an Ability. As before, Garbotoxin shuts off Abilities, so after the first couple of turns this card becomes unplayable for its effect.
  • Mr. Mime (PLB)
    • Similar to Mew (UNB), Mr. Mime (PLB) has Bench Barrier.
    • The benefit of playing this Mr. Mime is that it has 10HP more than Mew (UNB). However, it has a near-useless attack, unlike Mew (UNB) who can snipe Igglybuff (N2) off the bench.
  • Trevenant & Dusknoir GX (SMP)
    • This card has an attack that allows you to shuffle 2 of your opponent’s cards from their hand into their deck.
    • The struggle with this card is its attack cost. 3 Psychic Energy is an expensive attack cost for this deck, but once it is up and rolling, it has incredible synergy with the deck.
  • Ace Trainer (AOR)
    • This card makes you shuffle draw 6 and your opponent shuffle draw 2, but can only be played if you are losing
    • This is an incredible card, but it has prerequisites. Being behind on prizes is not too difficult for the deck to achieve, however it also affects your hand, which, as established earlier, is not always for the better.
  • Ambipom (TM)
    • This card has an attack that shuffles 2 cards from your opponent’s hand back into their deck.
    • The two weaknesses that this card has is that it needs to evolve and that the attack costs 2 Energy. However, there is a really solid Aipom in Aipom (UF) that adds a small amount of card draw on a Poké-Power. As for the attack cost, you could consider running Double Colorless Energy from Base Set instead of Recycle Energy.
  • Team Rocket’s Trickery (UD) or Mars (UPR)
    • Both of these cards provide similar effects where you draw 2 cards, then one card is discarded from your opponent’s hand. Team Rocket’s Trickery allows your opponent to select the card that is discarded whereas Mars allows you to pick a random card from their hand to discard.
    • Both of these cards’ disruption is strong, but their beneficial side is weak, especially for a Supporter. Slowking decks love to draw cards, and these Supporters don’t get the card draw the deck typically needs.

Questions or Suggestions? I’d love to hear what you have to say. Just @ me on Discord @Aspect

PREV > Format Staples - Part 8: Colorless Pokémon

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