A Custom Pokémon TCG Format


Format Staples – Part 8: Colorless Pokémon

This week, we’re looking at some colorless Pokémon that work well in many decks (but, as you’ll read below, not necessarily ALL decks).

Anyway, here’s this week’s list:

Neo Discovery 40
Every deck needs this baby. It provides free retreat and the “baby” effect, but most importantly it shuts off Pokémon-Powers on your opponent’s bench—the most notorious being Slowking which makes you flip a coin for each Trainer.
Great if you’re playing against Slowking, outclassed by every other Baby otherwise. Shutting off Slowking is REALLY good though so it still gets a good score.
Some Pokémon-Powers need to be stopped, and this is the only answer we have.
Wizards Black Star Promo 36
Only run this if you need free retreat and/or “baby” effects. Usually decks run 1 baby and it is igglybuff that disables Pokemon-Powers. The other Igglybuff is better if you are running extra babies but not all.
Would only play in a stall deck that wanted more Baby Pokemon cards.
In an extremely dire situation, its attack has a very small chance of being useful, but usually, it’s just another Baby Pokemon with free retreat.
Neo Genesis 20
Only run this if you need free retreat and/or “baby” effects. Usually decks run 1 baby and it is Igglybuff that disables Pokémon-Powers.
Baby with the only useful attack.
Baby Pokémon are pretty useful in general for decks that need time to set up. This one can help get you out of a bad hand in a pinch.
Wizards Black Star Promo 31
Only run this if you need free retreat and/or “baby” effects. Usually decks run 1 baby and it is Igglybuff that disables Pokémon-Powers. The other Cleffa is better if you are running extra babies but not all.
Much worse version of the other Cleffa. Babies in general is good to have, but you don’t normally want more than maybe 2.
Same notes as the Cleffa above, but the card draw is not nearly as good.
Ditto Prism Star
Not a staple, goes in very specific decks. You don’t want to run many Prism Star Pokémon so you don’t get “accidental Lost World”ed.
I think is card is pretty good if you play a lot of different evolution lines.
If you run any evolution Pokémon, this is probably a useful card. This is especially true if you have multiple different evolution lines, as it can help with any of them.
Unseen Forces 34
I’ve never put this in a deck until recently and it was a very specific choice. Definitely not a staple.
Not worth taking up a slot in anything that isn’t a “win in 1 turn” deck.
Draw a card now, and probably another one later, and possibly another one after that. Theoretically infinite card draw.

So that’s our list. What do you think?

Obviously, there is only 1 card in this article that deserves to be considered a staple, but we couldn’t very well just have a list of 1 card. The others are marginally useful in the right decks though, so consider them more like “Honorable Mentions”.

We’ll be taking a few weeks off while we figure out what we’re doing next with this series (we have a few different ideas). Check back on August 1st for the next “staples” article.

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