In today’s article, we’re looking at Trainer cards from Base Set through Skyridge.
Anyway, here’s the list:
Bill (Pre-HGSS)
Very good card. A lot of cards, like Item Finder or Computer Search, require two discards, and this card increases hand size without being a Supporter. It is commonly cut from my lists if I need more space.
Wish it drew more, but drawing cards for free is always good. This was reprinted as a Supporter card in HGSS, so this version is definitely the preferred one.
Computer Search (Pre-BW)
Probably the best Trainer card in the game. Not a Supporter or ACE SPEC. It can be played on your first turn and retrieves any card without revealing it to your opponent.
Obviously a very good card. Was reprinted as an ACE-SPEC item card in Boundaries Crossed, so this version is preferred, unless you really want to use up your deck’s ACE-SPEC slot just so that it has the Item subtype (hint: you don’t ).
Energy Removal
Probably my favorite disruption card. It is the most useful disruption even if your deck isn’t disruption focused. However, it doesn’t make most of my lists because slots are limited.
Definitely the best energy removal in the game. No downside, but is it worth the deck slot?
Gust of Wind
Non-conditional “gust” effects are mandatory.
The card so powerful that it’s legacy lives on today despite the fact that it has not been reprinted since 2000. (This card is the reason everyone calls this effect a “gust effect”.)
Just like Dowsing Machine and other recursion effects, this goes in every deck.
An essential part of the trainer recovery trio (with Junk Arm and Dowsing Machine). Did you know that this card was called Dowsing Machine (ダウジングマシーン) in Japanese? Aren’t you glad we use the English card names to determine uniqueness?
Another amazing disruption effect, but your deck needs to be built around it. One of my favorite tactics is to play Lass on turn 1 and use Pokemon that search for any cards, such as Cramorant V or Sylveon GX.
If you’ve ever had it played against you, you know how disruptive it can be. It feels good to essentially remove your opponents next 2 turns.
Misty’s Wrath
Better than Bill since it is essentially a “draw 2” effect that allows you to choose the cards. It also filters your deck.
It’s almost like a Professor Oak in reverse order. A solid draw card, for sure.
Professor Oak
This is even better than a “draw 7” Supporter, like Professor Juniper, because it doesn’t use up your Supporter for the turn. This should be in every deck.
If this list of staples had only 1 card, this would be that card.
Scoop Up
Scoop effects have limited usefulness in Partner Battles, and this one discards any Evolution Pokemon. Can be good in the right decks.
Depends on the deck, but in many cases, this is the best scoop effect.
Super Energy Removal
Amazing in full-disruption decks, but generally hard to use otherwise.
Double energy disruption is really good, but the cost can be a problem for some decks.